In the Open Water Course you will learn to dive by focussing primarily on yourself and mastering knoledge and skills for taking care of yourself underwater.
In the Advanced course your focuss will broaden to include the environment in a variet of situations.
The PADI Rescue Diver program prepares you to help prevent, and if necessary manage dive emergencies, minor and major with a vaiety of techniques.
The PADI Rescue Diver program is divided into knowledge development and open water training. The knowledge development portion develops the principles and infomation you need for preventing and handling dive emergencies, topics include self rescue, diver stress, diving first aid, emergency management, equipment problems, and rescue and assistance procedures for both conscious and unconscious victims on the surface and underwater.
The knowledge development is usually handlled through independent study using the PADI Rescue Diver manual, supplied by Mark, and formal classroom sessions.
Their will be a test before the open water training, which must be past.
During open water training you'll apply the knowledge you've learned as you develop rescue skills. Also as part of the open water training we may go to the pool to practise some techniques to get them just right before going out to the open water.